Cras lorem ex, malesuada sed sem vitae, blandit semper dui.

Who we are

Who we are

Since 1976, when the company started its activity, Nuova Silam's core business consists of the production and sale of aluminium irrigation pipes with various types of joints and of different lengths, thicknesses, and diameters. The pipes are available with all types of joints on the market and precisely: rapid, spherical, export / laval, rotom and bauer type. 

This range is very wide and allows to fully satisfy the market demands. In addition, the company has heavily invested in a new machine for bending steel pipes and this choice was very successful in fact the company became the preferred supplier and subcontractor for bends and swan necks. Nuova Silam produces smooth bends by raw steel at 180 °, 90 °, 45 ° and 30 ° with various thicknesses therefore suitable for the irrigation, wellpoint, mining, drainage, industrial and road tankers sectors.

Recently the company has expanded the range with two new product lines: the Water Power diesel motor pumps for irrigation and the Water Reels irrigation machines. With this expansion, the company aims to make its range more attractive and to find more outlets especially on foreign markets.

The plant was recently expanded to enhance both the production area and the warehouse and on various items produced on a large scale, our customers can take advantage of the prompt delivery service.

Nuova Silam decided several years ago to use only first choice materials, to guarantee customers the quality of its products and consequently the safety of their use and durability.

Thanks to these fundamental choices, to the work of a proven team and to years of experience and the presence of the owners in the activity, which has been handed down for three generations, the company boasts the role of leader in the sector of aluminium pipes and bends, both in the national and international market and enjoys the esteem of the most important market players.

The plant located in Campitello, MN, is just 25 km from the A22 Brenner motorway: the area, in addition to being easily accessible, is suitable for logistics for partial and complete transport on trucks and containers.