Cras lorem ex, malesuada sed sem vitae, blandit semper dui.

News ed eventi


This year FierAgricola gave us great satisfaction!

Pioggia Carnevali

AGRITECHNICA 12-18 November - Hannover, Germania

Come and visit us, we invite you to our Booth H07 - Hall 21

Pioggia Carnevali

We thank you for EIMA 2022 Bologna – from 9 to 13 November

Pioggia Carnevali
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We thank you for your visit to our stand and for the attention received at the recent IFAT fair, held in Munich from 30 May to 3 June

It was a pleasure to introduce you to our products better. We are always at …

Pioggia Carnevali
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Eima 2021

The first Intl exhibition after the difficult Covid period, just finished

Pioggia Carnevali